
Customers Ignore Your SEO in Singapore

September 6, 2015

Most Singapore companies now include free SEO in their web design packages. It sounds like a good deal. Others pay $2,000/month to an SEO company, but you get it FREE.

You went ahead with your web design package anyway. Shortly after, your beautiful new website went Live. Your web design agency then showed proof of you being SEOed for Google search.

A few more weeks passed. And you see absolutely no increase in customer enquiries.

What happened!? Is SEO useless!?

As conventional wisdom tells us, “If something is too good to be true, it probably isn’t.”

Let’s look at a few explanations for the situation described above. And how you can avoid overpaying for ineffective SEO.

But first, to make things clearer, imagine yourself as an Orthodontist/Dentist running your own clinic at Marina Bay.

Reason 1: Insufficient Keyword Research

Insufficient Keyword Research

So you go into Google and see that you’re now #1 for “Orthodontic Doctor Singapore” and “Orthodontist Marina Bay”. Good job! But what does this mean?

First of all, you will notice that the top few results are all ads by Google. Some of us might argue ads are useless because “I always skip the ads when I search on Google.”

That might be true for you. But research has shown that 64.6% of people click on ads instead of SEO results when they’re looking for a product or service. You’re missing out on a huge chunk of customers if you’re not combining both SEO and ads here.

Additionally, proper SEO keyword research takes a long time. It uses a combination of research tools and paid ads to gather substantial data before discovering the best keywords.

Try to recall. How long did your SEO company spend helping you do proper keyword research? If they only spent a day or 2, you might be SEOed for the wrong keywords.

Reason 2: Low Searches for Your Keywords

The earlier point brings us to this. What happens when you are SEOed for the wrong keywords?

Keywords are not created equal.

Some keywords will have many people searching every month, while others get next to no searches. Obviously, the more people searching for a keyword, the more visitors you will get to your website.

Low searches for your keywords

Following up on the earlier example, your website has now been SEOed to #1 for “orthodontic doctor Singapore” and “orthodontist marina bay”.

However, a screenshot from Google’s Keyword Planner Tool tells us that NOBODY is searching for those keywords! (granted, Keyword Planner isn’t always 100% accurate, but it’s a good gauge) So even if you’re #1, you’re getting absolutely 0 new visitors to your website.

How will your website bring you customers if no one even looks at it?

You always want to make sure you SEO for keywords that people actually type into the search box.

You can check the number of keyword searches using Google’s very own Keyword Planner Tool (note: you’d need a Google AdWords account to use this tool)

Reason 3: Keywords Not in Top 5 on Google

Finally, Search Engine Optimization in Singapore is all about rankings. Ask your SEO agency Singapore to give you a report on a list of keywords and your current rankings on Google. Type the keywords in yourself to verify the information.

SEO Ranks

When your new website is launched, your web agency will probably tell you that SEO has been done. Go into Google and type in the pre-agreed keywords. Do you appear on page 1?

67.60% of clicks go to the top 5 results on Google. Ask your web designer what is the use of your SEO if you’re not even in the top 10.


How to Avoid Overpaying for Ineffective SEO

  1. Ask for a “Search Volume Report” for the proposed keywords
  2. Ask for an estimate on how many websites visits the SEO will generate
  3. Ask your web design agency for a money-back guarantee if they fail to get you to the top 5-10 for the pre-agreed keywords

If you’ve done all of the above but not getting new customers, then the problem might lie deeper. Take a look at my other article about why websites struggle to win customers

By Nate Wang

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